Skin Grafting


Delhi’s top Skin Grafting and Plastic Surgeon Dr. Amita Jain says wounds that are too wide and hard to close can be treated having a skin graft. A skin graft surgery is the process of removal of healthy skin from one part of the body to be used in the affected area. It is done to replace the skin that has been severely damaged. The skin grafts are mostly taken from the side of the thighs, buttocks, below the collarbone, near upper arm or ear.

Reasons for Skin Graft

There could be numerous reasons to perform skin grafting:

  • Large burns or wounds
  • Venous ulcers
  • Pressure ulcers, also called bedsores
  • Diabetic foot ulcers
  • Restore skin removed during surgery. Instances include: treatment for skin cancer, tumor removal, or post serious skin infection

  • FAQs for Skin Graft Surgery

    How long would it take?

    This differs according to the specific needs. The size of the graft and injury would play a role in the duration of the surgery.

    How much will it hurt?

    Removing skin grafts could be painful. Anesthesia helps prevent pain during surgery. Pain and discomfort post the procedure will be managed with medicine.

    Average hospital stays

    The hospital stays also, depend on your requirement. For instance, a burn or accident might need a longer stay.

    Postoperative Care to follow

    Once you are discharged from the hospital you will have to:

    • Keep the parts clean and dry
    • Avoid all trauma to the parts
    • Avoid periods of prolonged sunlight exposing area of new skin.
    • Check the site constantly for healing and good blood flow. There must be a healthy pink color in the skin.
    • Follow instructions for bandaging. It will assist to support the part while it heals. It will also assist to prevent intense tightening of your skin called contractures.

    If you are looking for a skin grafting surgery in Delhi/NCR top skin grafting surgeon Dr. Amita Jain is an expert in that. Contact Dr. Jain today as she will provide you with more information in a one-on-one consultation on procedures made to treat the impacts of burns and trauma on skin and bone structure.