In the hustle and bustle of modern life, maintaining our health often takes center stage. We diligently hit the gym, opt for healthier food choices, and strive for a balanced lifestyle. Despite our best efforts, certain health issues can still rear their heads, and one such concern is varicose veins that can affect people, especially if they have a sedentary lifestyle or a family history. Varicose veins are enlarged, swollen, twisted veins found just under the surface of the skin. These red or bluish-purple coloured veins usually develop on the legs, either on the inside of the leg or behind the knee. While they’re not usually serious, they can cause pain and discomfort along with complications like sores, skin ulcers, and blood clots besides being ugly in appearance.

So, let’s find out from Dr Amita Jain, the leading varicose veins surgeon in Delhi, where she describes the 7 methods to prevent the worsening of varicose veins and keep your legs feeling light and lively.

What are the ways to avoid varicose veins from getting worse?

According to top laparoscopic surgeon for varicose veins Dr Amita Jain you need to do the following:

  1. Stay Active

Maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial in preventing the progression of varicose veins. Regular physical activity, such as walking, cycling, or swimming, helps enhance blood circulation, reducing the risk of blood pooling in the veins. Dr. Amita Jain emphasizes that even simple activities like taking short breaks to stretch during long periods of sitting can make a significant difference. Incorporate regular movement breaks into your routine, especially if you have a desk job.  Activities like leg lifts, ankle circles, and calf stretches can be effective in promoting healthy blood flow and preventing blood pooling, as they make use of your leg muscles which assist in pushing blood towards the heart, thereby improving the condition of varicose veins.

  • Shed those Extra Kilos

Carrying excess weight not only increases strain on your cardiovascular system but also raises blood pressure, which can further deteriorate veins. Investing in a weight loss program if you’re overweight can help prevent worsening varicose veins. Maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise is key. Shedding those extra pounds not only benefits your veins but also promotes overall well-being.

  • Lift Your Legs

Elevating your legs is crucial for managing varicose veins and promoting proper blood circulation. By keeping your feet raised above your heart, you encourage blood flow in the right direction, towards the heart. Whether you’re sitting or standing for extended periods, it’s essential to elevate your legs to alleviate pressure on the veins. Try raising your feet on a chair or stool for 15-20 minutes multiple times a day. This simple practice reduces swelling, relieves pressure, and enhances circulation, offering much-needed relief after a long day.

  • Compression Stocking and Support Hose

Compression stockings are recommended for managing and preventing the worsening of varicose veins. Specifically designed to exert gentle pressure on the legs, these stockings aid in enhancing circulation and reducing swelling. If you have a family history of varicose veins or spend extended periods on your feet, your doctor may advise daily use of compression stockings. This method is often the initial approach to address the issue.

The stockings function by applying consistent pressure to the legs, promoting more efficient blood circulation facilitated by the veins and leg muscles. Both compression socks and support hose are effective in applying pressure to the lower legs and ankles, directing blood flow back towards the heart and preventing pooling in the veins. Support hose, in particular, offer a viable option as they achieve the desired results without imposing excessive pressure on the legs, unlike compression socks.

  • Don’t Sit or Stand for a Prolonged Period

Take regular breaks whether you have a desk job or spend long hours on your feet. These breaks are crucial for alleviating pressure on your legs and enhancing circulation throughout your body. By alternating between sitting and standing or incorporating movement, you can ensure proper blood flow and reduce strain on your body.

  • Don’t Cross Your Legs

Avoid crossing your legs while sitting down, as it can inevitably inhibit blood flow through your legs. If you find crossing your legs comfortable, ensure you keep them moving and switch positions frequently to prevent any adverse effects.

  • Good Posture is a Must

Maintaining good posture is crucial for vein health. Slouching or prolonged sitting with poor posture may hinder blood circulation, potentially worsening varicose veins. Keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and feet flat on the floor whether sitting or standing. Avoid crossing legs for extended periods to prevent restricted blood flow.

What did you learn today?

In this article, Dr. Jain underscores the importance of proactive measures in managing varicose veins. From staying active to maintaining a healthy weight and practicing good posture, adopting these habits can significantly alleviate symptoms and improve overall vein health.

Dr Amita Jain - Best Laparoscopy Surgeon in Delhi

Dr Amita Jain is a surgeon with the highest degree of professional competence, precision and surgical craftsmanship. Performed all complicated general surgery procedures with in depth knowledge of invasive and few minimal invasive and onco surgical techniques. Underwent special training in trauma, executed various trauma-related complex life-saving neurosurgical procedures, reconstructed injured mangled limbs and performed vascular and reconstructive procedures with critical care.

Dr Amita Jain holds 28 plus years of rich experience in Trauma and General Laparoscopic Surgeries (including Gallbladder stone removalappendix removalhernia repair surgery, piles and fissure surgeries). She was the Professor Surgery of at the Army College of Medical Sciences and Base Hospital Delhi Cantt. In 1994 she was commissioned as Surgeon under the United Nations Mission in Congo. From 2020 to 2022, she worked with Bansals Hospital. Currently, Dr Amita Jain is the Senior Consultant, (Speciality: General and Laparoscopic Surgeon) at Artemis Lite Hospital, New Delhi and Sr. General and Laparoscopic Surgeon at Rainbow Children Hospitals, Malviya Nagar, Delhi.